Have Income? Will be taxed!
Have Income? Will be taxed! Income Tax is a matter of interest both for citizens and NRIs – though the rules of taxation for both could vary. An NRI is a person who has an Indian passport and has temporarily migrated to another country for six months or more for employment, residence, education or any other purpose. If an Indian citizen leaves the country for work abroad or as a crew on an Indian ship and spends less than 182 days in India in a year, he or she is considered non-resident for tax plans. Taxability in India depends on if an individual suits the NRI status for each year. Following are few regulations of income tax NRIs should acknowledge: An NRI has to pay tax on any income that accumulated in India or received in India. So salary received in India, rental income, interest income from fixed deposits or saving bank accounts and capital gains on assets sold in India are taxable. If the salary of an NRI is higher than the basic exemption limit for the year, he/she is...