Death penalty is a punishment which is imposed by judicial process if a person is found guilty of serious offense. The death penalty is also legally referred to as capital punishment. The terms “death penalty” and “capital punishment” are frequently used to mean the same thing. In death penalty the person who has committed an offense is punished, and the punishment is death of the person who has committed the crime. There are different forms of death namely electrocution, lethal gas, lethal injection, firing squad, hanging and lethal injection. In short it is an act of executing or killing a person. Death penalty is considered to be a severe punishment.
Pros of for death penalty
1. Any person who has committed any type of crime like raping or killing another person should be punished with death penalty. Death penalty definitely serves as a deterrent for those who may consider committing a crime. Death penalty takes the life of person so other person may be refrained from committing crime due to fear of losing life. Thus, the number of crimes in society automatically reduces.

2. Death penalty perfectly fits for those criminals who have committed offense and serves as an example for those who consider committing any offence.

3. If a person is put in prison there are more chances that the criminal may escape and commit same or any other crime. Death penalty ends the life of person so there is no chance at all that the criminal may commit the crime again. Thus, society becomes better and safe place to live. It works best for serial killers as well as for those who continue to commit crime even after serving imprisonment.

4. Instead of life imprisonment, death penalty is better option as the convicted does not have to live a futile life behind bars. Moreover, imprisonment is more expensive than death penalty. It is better to kill the convicted rather than spending on him.
Cons of for death penalty
1. If a person is executed there remains no difference between us and the criminal, as both commit horrifying act of killing another human being.

2. Sometimes as poor people cannot hire efficient lawyers to defend their case in right manner face death penalty.

3. Every person committing any sort of mistake should be at least given second chance to improve. It has been reported that many criminals who have been served with life sentence to have showed drastic improvement and have contributed to society. But again it all depends upon every individual.

4. There is no relation between crime rate and capital punishment. Crimes are prevalent even in those countries where capital punishment exists.

The debate whether death punishment is ethical and justifiable is still widely disputed and does not have a definite answer. Today, there are many pros and cons to this death penalty issues. People have different opinions on the issue of capital punishment given to a convict. While some think that death penalty is must for those who have committed a dreadful crime, there are others who consider it as an immoral act that goes against humanity. However, if people weigh the arguments properly, and have empathy for the victims, they will be more inclined to favor death penalty. Whether to give capital punishment to a criminal or not, depends on his previous criminal records and the seriousness of the crime he has committed.


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