Convert Saving Account to NRO & NRE account before 31st March 2018
Convert Saving Account to NRO & NRE account before 31st March 2018: NRIs, PIOs and OCIs are exempted from Aaadhaar Card.
It is compulsory in India to link all saving bank accounts with Aadhaar Card. If you still have normal saving accounts in India, it is a compulsion for NRIs too to link it with Aadhaar card by 31/03/2018. To avoid freezing accounts NRIs, PIOs
It is compulsory in India to link all saving bank accounts with Aadhaar Card. If you still have normal saving accounts in India, it is a compulsion for NRIs too to link it with Aadhaar card by 31/03/2018. To avoid freezing accounts NRIs, PIOs